Not a permanent solution, but its quite easy to use a IVisitor to visit all nodes recursively.


Maeder Thomas wrote:
Hi folks,

we're currently struggling with the case of a complex component tree
(nested AJAX tabbed panels) which we would like to enable/disable in one
go (i.e. disable every component below a given root). I've tried the
approach where I call setEnabled(false) on every child of the root in
onBeforeRender(), but this doesn't work, since we have AJAX elements
below the root.

I've found a conversation in the old wicket lists where somebody was
asking why enablement was not determined recursively like visibility.
I.e. a component is rendered as disabled if the enabled-flag is set on
the component or if the component's parent is disabled. However, the
thread just ended without any resolution.
I currently see no way to implement our desired behaviour short of
touching every input component in our component tree. On the other hand,
I see no reason why wicket should not determine enablement recursively.


Erik van Oosten

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