On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have attached the patches here. After applying changes to both
> carbon4-kernal and carbon-deployment, you can access webapps via virtual
> hosts as follows,
>       1.  Modify the /repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml to insert
> new host entries,
>                      <Host name="localhost" unpackWARs="true"
> deployOnStartup="false" autoDeploy="false"
> appBase="${carbon.home}/repository/deployment/server/lh">
>                            ......
>                     </Host>
>                      <Host name="www.vhost1.com" unpackWARs="true"
> deployOnStartup="false" autoDeploy="false"
> appBase="${carbon.home}/repository/deployment/server/webapps/">
>                            ......
>                     </Host>
>                      <Host name="www.vhost2.com" unpackWARs="true"
> deployOnStartup="false" autoDeploy="false"
> appBase="${carbon.home}/repository/deployment/server/vhost/">
>                            ......
>                     </Host>

How do you identify above vhosts to be added ? reading catalina-server.xml
file or through a Tomcat LifecycleListener ?

Thanks !

>      2. Add webapps to above appBase locations (eg; put "STRATOS_ROOT"
> inside lh, put "example.war" to webapps and "jaxrs_basic.war" to vhost)
>      3. Start WSO2 AS and you should be able to access the webapps via
> following addresses, (I haven't updated the UI yet, so that these webapps
> can not be accessed via "Action" column of the application list in
> Management console)
>                       http://localhost:9763/STRATOS_ROOT
>                       http://www.vhost1.com:9763/example
> http://www.vhost2.com:9763/jaxrs_basic/services/services
> Note: You should add following entries to /etc/hosts initially to access
> virtual hosts,
>        <your-ip-address>   <virtual-host-name>
>  according to the above configuration, the entries are,
>        <your-ip-address>   www.vhost1.com
>        <your-ip-address>   www.vhost2.com
> Thanks,
> Nipuni
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Great work. As per the discussion, can you attache the complete diff.
>> Changes to the Kernel.
>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have implemented the above solution as below.
>>>    1. I created an interface Axis2DeployerProvider with a method
>>>    getDeployerConfigs inside org.wso2.carbon.utils.deployment.
>>>    2. I then created a service inside package
>>>    org.wso2.carbon.webapp.deployer.internal implementing the above 
>>> interface.
>>>    I also registered the service as an OSGi service inside its activate()
>>>    method. I implemented the logic to read  virtualhosts and their appBase
>>>    values and list them as an array of DeployerConfig objects.
>>>    3. Then I have modified getAxisConfiguration() method of
>>>    CarbonAxisConfigurator inside org.wso2.carbon.core to read the above 
>>> array
>>>    via,
>>>                                          ServiceTracker
>>> deployerServiceTracker =new ServiceTracker(bundleContext,
>>> Axis2DeployerProvider.class.getName(),null);
>>>                                          deployerServiceTracker.open();
>>>                                          Axis2DeployerProvider
>>> axis2DeployerProvider =
>>> (Axis2DeployerProvider)deployerServiceTracker.getService();
>>>        4. I have updated register() method in both Axis2DeployerRegistry
>>> GhostDeployerRegistry to add the deployers to deployment engine.
>>>                                           public void register(Bundle[]
>>> bundles, DeployerConfig[] deployerConfigs) {
>>>                                                 for (Bundle bundle :
>>> bundles) {
>>> register(bundle);
>>>                                                 }
>>>                                                 for(DeployerConfig
>>> deployerConfig : deployerConfigs){
>>> Deployer deployer = getDeployer(deployerConfig.getClassStr());
>>> addDeployer(deployerConfig, deployer);
>>>                                                 }   ....
>>>                                          }
>>> After the modifications webapps deploy before management console is up.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nipuni
>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> I will implement and provide a patch.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Nipuni
>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Looks like we have a solution this problem. We simply need to way to
>>>>> register deployers which cannot be declared in component.xml, because 
>>>>> users
>>>>> should be able add or remove deployers.
>>>>> Axis2DeployerRegistry.register() method registers all the Deployers
>>>>> declared in the component.xml files. These are static Deployers. Now we
>>>>> need to improve the Axis2DeployerRegistry.register() method handle the
>>>>> other type of deployers. e.g. Webapp deployers for registered virtual
>>>>> hosts.
>>>>> In this solution Axis2DeployerRegistry asks the dynamic webapp
>>>>> deployer list from the webapp-mgt component using an OSGi service
>>>>> registered by the webapp-mgt component. In order to achieve this we can
>>>>> introduce a generic interface. Say Axis2DeployerProvider. webapp-mgt
>>>>> component implements this interface and register an OSGi service. Say
>>>>> VirtualHostWebappDeployerProvider.
>>>>> Now Axis2DeployerRegistry.register() method can get all the OSGi
>>>>> services which implement the Axis2DeployerProvider interface and get the
>>>>> deployer list and register them. Easy..
>>>>> I guess Nipuni can implement this and provide a patch to Carbon kernel
>>>>> 4.3.0.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sameera.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> We do no recommend to register deployers programmatically. The
>>>>>> recommended approach is to declare them in the component.xml. This allows
>>>>>> Carbon kernel to read and register deployers before initializing Apache
>>>>>> Axis2 engine. If you register deployers programmatically, Carbon kernel
>>>>>> does not have any control. Your artifacts may get deployed after server 
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> been started. I.e. after the transports are started.
>>>>>> The above approach perfectly fits if the deployers do not get added
>>>>>> or removed dynamically. But in your case, we cannot predict the number of
>>>>>> deployers. I.e. for every new virtual host, there will be a new webapp
>>>>>> deployer. Therefore we cannot list all the deployers in the 
>>>>>> component.xml.
>>>>>> Now we need to come up with a solution to support this requirement.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Sameera.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Kasun Gajasinghe <kas...@wso2.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I didn't change the default deployer. I only read appBase values of
>>>>>>>> virtual hosts and added them to the deployment engine. But the webapp
>>>>>>>> deployment take place just after management console is started.
>>>>>>> This happens if the deployers got added after axis2 has started
>>>>>>> IIRC. So, we need to make sure of the order. But unfortunately, we do 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> have a proper way to force this order currently.
>>>>>>> @Sameera, any ideas?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Nipuni
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Kasun Gajasinghe <kas...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I do not think that you should remove the default webapp deployer
>>>>>>>>> from component.xml. Your should be in effect only for the additional
>>>>>>>>> virtual hosts.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> This is working. This was due to an ip address conflict.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Nipuni
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Nipuni Perera <nip...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am working on the $subject. According to the current
>>>>>>>>>>> implementation users has to put webapps inside
>>>>>>>>>>> repositro/depolment/server/webapss and access them via host name
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost" only. I have modified carbontomcat.java to deploy 
>>>>>>>>>>> webapps in a
>>>>>>>>>>> location defined inside appBase of virtualhosts. But this needs to 
>>>>>>>>>>> add an
>>>>>>>>>>> entry to component.xml to direct the name of webapps directory to 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> relevent WebAppDeployer class. (Adding an entry to component.xml 
>>>>>>>>>>> each time
>>>>>>>>>>> a new appBase is created is not preferred)
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried following steps when adding deployers to deployment
>>>>>>>>>>> engine without reading component.xml file. When reading 
>>>>>>>>>>> component.xml file,
>>>>>>>>>>> the Axis2DeployerRegistry class adds the deployers and relevant 
>>>>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>>> names to a deploymentEngine. In order to skip reading component.xml,
>>>>>>>>>>> deployment engine should be updated using the virtual host appBase 
>>>>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>>>>> and deployer names.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Scenario 1*
>>>>>>>>>>>    1.     I created a new service component class inside
>>>>>>>>>>>    /org/wso2/carbon/webapp/deployer/internal/ and added following,
>>>>>>>>>>>                                  CarbonTomcatService
>>>>>>>>>>> carbonTomcatService = DataHolder.getCarbonTomcatService();
>>>>>>>>>>>                                  DeploymentEngine
>>>>>>>>>>> deploymentEngine =
>>>>>>>>>>> (DeploymentEngine)(DataHolder.getServerConfigContext().getAxisConfiguration()).getConfigurator();
>>>>>>>>>>>              This gave null values to both variables.
>>>>>>>>>>> ("serverConfigContext" and "carbonTomcatService" variables 
>>>>>>>>>>> initialize
>>>>>>>>>>> inside service components in /org/wso2/carbon/webapp/mgt/internal. 
>>>>>>>>>>> So it
>>>>>>>>>>> seems the newly created service component classes executes first)
>>>>>>>>>>> *Scenario 2*
>>>>>>>>>>>    1.  I have created a new OSGI bundle which tries to read
>>>>>>>>>>>    above two variables inside its Activator class and service 
>>>>>>>>>>> component class.
>>>>>>>>>>>    I could read proper values inside the service component class 
>>>>>>>>>>> and update
>>>>>>>>>>>    deployment engine. But according to logs, this executes after 
>>>>>>>>>>> starting the
>>>>>>>>>>>    wso2 carbon.  But, the following statement does deploy the 
>>>>>>>>>>> webapps inside
>>>>>>>>>>>    the appBase.
>>>>>>>>>>> deploymentEngine.addDeployer(deployer, directory, extension);
>>>>>>>>>>> But I am able to access webapps using host name "localhost"
>>>>>>>>>>> only,  What could be the issue here?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuni
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuni Perera
>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Email: nip...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Nipuni Perera
>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>> Email: nip...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
>>>>>>>>>> <http://wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>>> email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
>>>>>>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
>>>>>>>>> blog: http://kasunbg.org
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Nipuni Perera
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>> Email: nip...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
>>>>>>>> <http://wso2.com>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>> email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
>>>>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
>>>>>>> blog: http://kasunbg.org
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>>>>>> Software Architect,
>>>>>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>>>>>> email: same...@wso2.com
>>>>>> blog: http://sameera.adahas.org
>>>>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>>>>>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>>>>>> Mobile: 0094776364456
>>>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>>>>> Software Architect,
>>>>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>>>>> email: same...@wso2.com
>>>>> blog: http://sameera.adahas.org
>>>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>>>>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>>>>> Mobile: 0094776364456
>>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>>> --
>>>> Nipuni Perera
>>>> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>> Email: nip...@wso2.com
>>>> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
>>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
>>>> <http://wso2.com>
>>> --
>>> Nipuni Perera
>>> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> Email: nip...@wso2.com
>>> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
>>> <http://wso2.com>
>> --
>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>> Software Architect,
>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>> email: same...@wso2.com
>> blog: http://sameera.adahas.org
>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>> Mobile: 0094776364456
>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> --
> Nipuni Perera
> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> Email: nip...@wso2.com
> Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
> Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
> <http://wso2.com>

Sagara Gunathunga

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