Thanks! They look reasonable to me. Please feel free to open a PR

From: Belousov Maksim Eduardovich <>
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2017 5:20:02 AM
Subject: [DISCUSS] Increase a few numbers in source code

Hello, team!

There are some numbers in source code. The influence of these numbers is 
non-obvious and very important.

1. [1]:
executor = ExecutorFactory.singleton().createOrGet("SchedulerFactory", 100);

The meaning of "100" is that Zeppelin server can get only 100 started 
interpreter processes. When analysts run 100 jvm/interpreter processes then 
Zeppelin will be fully stuck: no paragraph can run now even if the paragraph 
run a few minutes ago.

I wrote about this case previously [2].

2. [3]
ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_MAX_POOL_SIZE("zeppelin.interpreter.max.poolsize", 10),

"10" - is the number of paragraphs that will be run under cron scheduling.
This behavior arises after apply of paragraph sequential run.
Also there is no description for "interpreter.max.poolsize".

3. spark.port.maxRetries = 16
It's about use of local spark interpreter.
By default server can start only 16 local spark instance and interpreters. The 
analysts cannot start the 17-th new spark interpreter and gets error.
It's non-obvious what setting affects on max number of spark processes.

The most valuable server resources are RAM and CPU. Above settings don't 
optimize use of RAM/CPU and are more like bugs. It would be good to refactor 
code and not to use settings 1 and 2 at all, but this issue is low priority.
Therefore I want to put a very big number, for example 65536, in all cases.
Share please your thoughts about increasing default values in these cases.



Maksim Belousov

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