On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:
> Once upon a time, Andrew Lutomirski <l...@mit.edu> said:
>> Unfortunately, gmail and others are blazing ahead with breaking
>> everything before ARC will be ready.
> To be fair, Google is just enforcing what others ask them to enforce.
> Yahoo is the one that is setting a DMARC record that says to reject
> messages with bad signatures.

If we're going to be fair to Google, we need to look at a bit bigger
of a picture.  Google is well aware of these problems:


They proposed X-Original-Authentication-Results as a partial workaround.

Alas, they never followed through.  Google Groups, for example, sets
X-Original-Authentication-Results on forwarded messages, but Gmail is
unable to parse the header.  This doesn't even work within an
organization.  I have some aliases to my work email that are managed
through Google Apps for Domains, and valid strict DMARC emails to the
aliases get classified as spam because Gmail (for domains) doesn't
trust the X-Original-Authentication-Results header from Groups (for
domains on the same domain)!

And Google has surely known of this problem for a long time, and
they're a founding member of DMARC.  So, no, I don't think they really
get much credit here.  They allowed a bad spec to be published and
*implemented* it without bothering to make it functional, even in
their own (paid!) products.

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