On Wed, 2016-06-15 at 10:14 +0200, Ade wrote:
> Hi all
> I dont really want this to be a negative post, just want to share
> something in order to start a healthy discussion
> Background
> Im a Fedora desktop user, have been for many years, going all the way
> back to Fedora Core 1 - I use Fedora on a daily basis, its my main
> (in fact only OS)
> Issue
> Im very comfortable with the CLI, but spend the majority of the time
> in the GUI - I noticed a behaviour change in myself recently - I now
> NEVER use the GUI Software Update tool. I noticed the other day but
> its been like this for quite some time. 
> My workflow is - the GUI tool tells me there are updates, I dismiss
> it and open a terminal and do sudo dnf update -y    
> Why is this?  Well some time ago the behaviour of the tool changed
> and now the only way to proceed is to click in "Restart and Install"
> and this is NEVER what I want to do. I never want to reboot my
> desktop just to apply updates, Id rather apply all the updates and
> reboot to bring in the new kernel (if there is one) when I have the
> time
> I cant help but feel this is, to me anyway,. a broken design, are
> there others that feel the same or am I alone on this


I was always wondering which user scenario the restart and install
covers. On several occasions I could afford an "install + shutdown"
(i.e., when I'm leaving the PC), but restart and install is something
I've never needed/used.

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