On Nov 20, 2016 1:49 AM, "Germano Massullo" <germano.massu...@gmail.com>
> We often deal with upstream developers that bundle libraries in their
> code, so to make a package we have to debundle them, etc.
> This time, an upstream dev. asked me what he could do to make easier
> the work of packagers.
> In this case the software is python-netjsongraph [1] that bundles
> javascript-d3 library and that is being reviewd at [2]
> I think it would be nice to make a discussion even for non Python
> packages, so we can elaborate a sort of vademecum that a packager
> could show to upstreams when there is a collaboration between them.
> Have a nice day
> [1]: https://github.com/interop-dev/django-netjsongraph
> [2]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1369213

For Python packages, my biggest complaint is when versioned dependencies
are explicitly declared without due diligence.  Rough example: Upstream
foobar developer gets foo-24.2 from pip, sets foo == 24.2 in their
requirements.  Fedora currently packages foo-21.8; foo usage doesn't change
for 18.0 < foo < 34.0 .  Add in 1-12 other dependencies, and I'm doing a
lot more manual work when updating foobar because upstream's declared
requirements simply are not useful in a distribution packaging context.

-- Pete
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