> I think it’s the responsibility of the proponents of the change to come up
> with a plan; the Change process was pretty much instituted exactly so that
> there actually *is* *some* plan for seeing through breaking changes.

Agreed, the proponents of the change must identify areas (packages)
which require adjustment.

Mentioned so far:
- fail2ban → should be OK, uses the journal
- sshguard → should be OK, uses the journal
- logwatch → should be OK, uses the journal
- denyhosts → does not care about timestamp format
- logcheck → needs to be checked

So for the first three, somebody needs to check whether their
default configuration is to use the journal (in which case they
should not be influenced by this Change at all), or if some
adjustment is needed.

logcheck needs to be checked.

I think you can ignore non-packaged / non-default configurations,
there's just no way to list, know, or check any of them.

Does anyone know of other software which parses rsyslog timestamps?


> Now, “the plan” could still be “the proponents of the change will not do
> anything, it’s up to the individual maintainers to review and fix their
> software; they are being put on notice by the existence of this Change”,
> and while some Changes really are like that (typically “upgrade to new
> version of $widely_used_library”, where there is no other practical
> alternative), I’d expect FESCo as the elected representatives of the whole
> community to prefer better-coordinated plans with less risk of breakage —
> and in this case FESCo has explicitly asked for a better plan.
>     Mirek
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