Hello All!
I've got two nasty packages. One fails to pass the tests on BigEndian
arches (s390x, ppc64), another one fails to pass the tests on POWER
(ppc64 and ppc64le).

So I have several questions.

* Can I have a shell access to the ppc64 machine (which covers both
cases) where I can install packages and can run gdb / git / gcc?
* How maintainers are supposed to handle it?
* (A provocative one) - is it better to me just to set ExclusiveArch
and open a bugzilla ticket with build log of the failed build?
Sometimes it's hard to do anything even on supported architecture, so
asking me to support a package for the rarely used architecture (which
I don't even have access to) is, well, slightly overoptimistic, no?

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.
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