#fedora-meeting-3: Weekly Meeting of the Modularity Working Group

Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (nils, 15:04:39)

* Agenda  (nils, 15:05:33)
  * [asamalik] Module lifecycles  (nils, 15:06:14)
  * [asamalik] Stream default changes & Fedora Changes  (nils, 15:06:27)
  * [asamalik] Stream branch ownership for packages & modules  (nils,
  * [ignatenkobrain/sgallagh] How do we keep rawhide sane? (re: forcing
    people to latest modules)  (nils, 15:07:33)

* Module lifecycles  (nils, 15:08:17)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/112   (asamalik, 15:08:35)
  * This is a follow-up of a recent (well, a month ago?) threads on the
    Devel list about how we define and manage module lifecycles,
    containing a proposal and input from those threads in it  (asamalik,

* Stream default changes & Fedora Changes  (nils, 15:14:48)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/114   (nils, 15:15:40)
  * Likely the least complex topic of the four we have today. I have a
    very short proposal there, already two +1's from bcotton and
    sgallagh  (asamalik, 15:16:11)
  * we'll give it more time for people to give their +1's and -1's on
    this one  (asamalik, 15:25:14)

* Stream branch ownership for packages & modules  (nils, 15:25:54)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/115   (nils, 15:26:03)
  * A specific proposal regarding stream branch ownership. Already
    includes some input from recent (a month ago?) discussion about
    managing module lifecycles on the Devel list.  (asamalik, 15:26:59)

* How do we keep rawhide sane? (re: forcing people to latest modules)
  (reprise)  (nils, 15:44:15)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/108   (nils, 15:44:37)
  * we'll continue the discussion in the ticket  (asamalik, 15:51:35)

Meeting ended at 15:54:52 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* asamalik (73)
* nils (44)
* zodbot (19)
* langdon (18)
* contyk (12)
* sgallagh (6)
* ignatenkobrain (2)
* bcotton (2)
* mikedep333 (0)

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Nils Philippsen    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to
Software Engineer   purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither
Red Hat             Liberty nor Safety."  --  Benjamin Franklin, 1759
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