On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 9:59 AM Owen Taylor <otay...@redhat.com> wrote:
> A lot of discussion about improving the compose process seem to end up
> with a "reality check" - that ideas have already been tried but don't
> work because of requirements a) b) c) d). You can't have the pony, but
> maybe if a lot of effort is put into it, you can have a faster rocking
> horse.
> If want to fundamentally improve the Fedora workflow we need compose
> ponies, we can't just have rocking horses!
> Perhaps it would make sense to leave the current 8-10 hour compose in
> place for the forseeable future, and work on a new system in parallel
> where the primary constraint is to be as fast as possible. Hopefully
> most problems with the slow compose will get sorted out in the fast
> composes, and the slow compose will become more reliable. Perhaps in a
> distant future, we can make the new system do everything

Indeed, this is basically the investigation I've proposed. I also think

> I don't know what the system would look like exactly, but you could
> imagine things like:
>  * Composed of several micro-composes (micro-compose-services?) to
> avoid blocking on everything completing successfully.
>  * Able to do speculative composes for CI
>  * Either x86_64-only, or with decoupled architectures so that we can
> throw x86_64 hardware (or cloud resources) at it, and make it super
> fast.
>  * No IO /mnt/koji during the compose - having a big network share be
> central to the process creates a performance bottleneck, makes it hard
> to move to the cloud, and potentially adds a lot of "noise" to
> figuring out what is going on where things are slow because of some
> other entirely different thing is goin gon.
> Add your own bullet points :-)

I would like to redefine a couple working assumptions:

* Big tools are unwieldy and inevitably silo knowledge. The people
behind them are often smart, hard-working, and care about great
results. But bedrock FOSS principles say we get more value from
rapidly iterating tools to which many people can/do contribute. We
should see if we can avoid big tools that solve everything.

* Reproducibility is something we can better enforce at development
time than use time. It's pretty easy to pick one or more git heads at
a certain time (for a tool, a containerized environment, etc.). Let's
not get one hand tied behind our back at the outset via outmoded

Every other bullet point on your list, Owen, I agree with 100%.

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