Hi Fedora devs,

My name is Gergely Gombos. I've been using Fedora for about 1.5 years and I'm a software developer. I like the FOSS philosophy and using a lot of open-source software in the Javascript world, I'd like to make my contribution, too.

I'm looking for a sponsor, and my first RPM package is "pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-aptx" and its dependency "libldac".

The original project <https://github.com/EHfive/pulseaudio-modules-bt> - yet to be merged into upstream Pulseaudio - provides awesome audio quality for Bluetooth headsets via aptX, AAC and LDAC codecs. This is something that is hard to set up even on Windows! And this package works seamlessly on Linux.

Originally this was in a COPR repo, with >100 downloads, but it got deleted due to legal reasons (ffmpeg build dependency). So I hope it will find a new home in RPMFusion since Fedora users are waiting for it.

One of its dependencies is the LDAC library *libldac* which may be eligible for the Fedora repos. The library has an Apache v2 license but Sony may have patented the algorithm - it requires licensing for hardware developers.

I've spent quite a lot of time figuring out how RPM packaging works and get this working and (hopefully) conforming to the guidelines - I appreciate your review and help.

And of course if this project succeeds, I'm more than happy to take part in further packaging projects. :)

The package:

libldac - #1671064 <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1671064>


Best regards,


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