Hey Germano,

I have a working RPM that does not error out with Error! Could not locate 
dkms.conf file if you want to test it out before I push it to copr. 


It is an issue with DKMS as I suspected. `%post` runs before the new package's 
`%preun` and the --rpm_safe_upgrade isn't working as it should. 
https://github.com/dell/dkms/issues/25#issuecomment-360275619. I followed this 
post's suggestion and moved from %post to %posttrans and this issue no longer 
happens. It feels hacky and I might spend some more time this weekend trying to 
find a better solution. ZFS worked around it with a bunch of bash 
  so that might be what we try down the road. 

If anyone on the list has a better idea on how to work around this issue please 
let me know. 
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