On 2019-09-01, Igor Gnatenko <i.gnatenko.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Being one of the biggest users of Modularity (more than 25 modules)
> I'm surprised that:
> 1) Many builds are stuck for more than half a month
> (https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/1/module-builds/5639,
> 13 Aug)

Simply resubmit the build. Once it stoppes moving, bump a modulemd
and start a new build. That allowed me to come around my perl modules.

I experienced similar stalls even before and was told that "these are
rare race conditions".

> 2) F32 branching was not handled well, basically all Rust modules
> can't be built due to wrong way of branching
> (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8718)

From the ticket: "All rust modules haven't been built for F32 because
rust:stable has circular dependency."

Modalarity cannot inherit old builds onto new platforms. Hence cycles
cannot be circumvented by injecting a build from a different platform.
(Actually you can make a build installable on all platforms:
build-require one platform, run-require all; Java SIG uses it.) Thus
with the current modularity cycles are a no-go. I recommend you creating
a series of bootstrapping modules that will lead to a current rust
without cycles.

-- Petr
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