Once upon a time, Dave Dykstra <d...@fnal.gov> said:
> And whoever maintains RPM Fusion would have to ensure somehow that all
> users of the rpm update within 30 days ... Seriously, I don't think
> anybody can put the data up on a server with no per-user authentication
> without violating the license.

Not really.  Basically, there's no practical way for anybody to continue
to redistribute the database (I don't think RPM Fusion would/should do
it, the license it not acceptable to them either).  The only database
that can be redistributed is the last free database, from December 2019.

However, the software that uses that database can still be redistributed
under Open Source licenses.  Fedora could keep distributing the
software, especially since it's a compile-time dependency of some things
(like BIND has GeoIP functionality, but only if named is compiled
against the MaxMind library).  If Fedora wants to keep distributing a
database, the last free version from December would be okay as a
reference, although it'll get out of date over time.

IMHO this seems like an over-reaction by MaxMind, but they pay their
lawyers to protect them (and presumably they know the California law),
so I guess that's that.  IMHO if you want the right to be forgotten for
your IP address' geographic location, the answer should be you don't get
an Internet IP address anymore.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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