On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 18:26, Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 11:38, Clement Verna <cve...@fedoraproject.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 16:18, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pin...@pingoured.fr>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> these heroics related to pagure?
> >>
> >> If not, I'm not sure what is the point you were trying to make for this
> thread.
> >
> >
> > My point is that we have to dedicate a team to work on Pagure, I would
> rather have these people working on improving the infrastructure so that we
> don't need these heroics to happen. If we don't put people to work on
> Pagure it will end up being another fedora-packages, badges or FAS and in
> couple years it will be too difficult to do anything with it. It is not
> only about Pagure, for example I would love to be able to replace Bodhi
> with something that we don't have to maintain but it is much more difficult
> to find an alternative to Bodhi than Pagure.
> >
> We would instead need a dedicated team to work on integrating all our
> tools with some other dist-git. Either using the people who are
> already working on pagure, or some new set of people who have to be
> hired in with a background in how-ever Git*** works. There will still
> always be some group having to deal with how and what we do with our
> source code. All we are doing is changing it from something we have
> more control to direct to something we constantly adapt to its
> changes. In other words, the heroics just change because we have
> worked on a symptom for the cause of the heroics.. not the root cause
> of the heroics.

I completely agree that changing solution would be a massive effort and I
honestly don't know if it is worth it or not. In my opinion the root cause
of the heroics is that we keep adding and building new things on top of
foundation that is not stable. One of the reason for this foundation not
been stable is that we have too much to do, so we cut corners (the famous
quick fixes which becomes a permanent hack that everyone is scared to
touch). We cannot win this battle without reducing the number of things we
have to care for. Maybe I am too naive but for me the only way to reduce
these heroics is first to reduce the number of applications we have, second
take the time it takes to reduce the technical debt we have.

You have way more history and knowledge than me, so I am genuinely
interested to know what are the root cause for you ? And what would it take
to improve the situation ?

> > My general feeling is that an infrastructure team should avoid as much
> as possible to maintain large applications, the focus should be to develop
> the glue needed to for the different services to work together in the most
> efficient manner, to monitor the applications, the respond to outages.
> The issue is that we are not going to see less work here and so there
> is not going to be less heroics. Some group is going to have to make
> tooling changes to make fedpkg, bodhi, koji, pdc, authentication etc
> etc work with Git*** and keep up with every API change that occurs
> over the years there.

This assumes that Pagure will never break its API compatibility and that we
will never have to update all the different tools in that case. For me the
effort is the same here maybe even less for Git*** since we would most
likely use an library wrapping the API which could deal with the backward

> Some group is going to have to engineer new
> caching layers to deal with source code in XYZ area and builders in
> ABC area. Some group is going to have to add in all the documentation
> and rules for dealing with any outage/burp/authentication Git***.
> This doesn't mean that work should not be done.. but do not try to
> sell it that it will drop the need for heroics and long hours. That
> needs different changes and have nothing to do whether we have our
> source code in Pagure or Gitlab. It has nothing to do with whether we
> use OBS or Koji. It has to do with things much more fundamental about
> what we are supposed to be doing, what we are supposed to not be
> doing, and how much we are supposed to do towards either set. Trying
> to lop off things one by one while we are adding in things 2x2 doesn't
> help.

I agree that this will probably not make a huge difference, but I am an
optimistic and I prefer to take one tiny step in one direction without
knowing if it will make a difference rather than stay still waiting for
selling to fall on my head. "When eating an elephant, take one bite at a
time.” - Creighton Abrams

What are the different changes needed to avoid heroics ? What stops us from
making these ?

> --
> Stephen J Smoogen.
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