On Monday, March 22, 2021 5:02:47 PM WET Gordon Messmer wrote:
> As a rationale, your explanation as a whole seems retaliatory, to me.
> "The GNU project encouraged its volunteers to work on HURD instead of
> Linux, so we'll not speak their name because this makes us unhappy."
> That doesn't seem like the kind of respectful, friendly environment that
> Fedora explicitly is trying to foster.  And that's why I think the name
> "Fedora", by itself, is better.  That name is neutral to the topic of
> whether Linux or GNU/Linux is the OS that Fedora extends, rather than a
> statement about our feelings toward the GNU project.

I am sorry but I fail to see how this is the case. How are the statements not 

If you followed the discussion at the time that Stephen describes this is an 
accurate description of state of affairs. Just because you disagree it does 
not make it false.

Just the first citation I found from reading LWN.net:

There he find a reference to h-online:

And there it says:
The Free Software Foundation was initially sceptical of the capabilities of 
Linux as a portable operating system. Initial versions only ran on the IBM 
386. According to Stallman: "We heard that Linux was not at all portable (this 
may not be true today, but that's what we heard then). And we heard that Linux 
was architecturally on a par with the Unix kernel; our work was leading to 
something much more powerful".

We own a lot to the GNU project but that does not make it immune to critics.
José Abílio

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