We would hold the FESCo meeting Tuesday at 17:00UTC in #fedora-meeting
on irc.freenode.net, but there is nothing on the agenda, so I'm
cancelling the meeting.

= Discussed and Voted in the Ticket =

#2582 F35 Change: rpmautospec - removing release and changelog fields from spec 
APPROVED (+4, 1, 0) with the following modification:
Provide a release number as a macro that evaluates to an
ever-auto-incrementing integer that can inserted somewhere in the
Release tag. Only read the previous release/version and git
commit history, do not require any tags, and do not allow building
multiple builds from one commit.

#2590 F35 Change: Reduce dependencies on python3-setuptools
APPROVED (+7, 0, 0)

I'll chair the next meeting 2021-04-13.

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