Miro Hrončok <mhron...@redhat.com> wrote:

> […]

>> 2. change %check not to rely on unpackaged files in buildroot

> That one is non-trivial and depends on the reason it is needed.

> For example, what is common for Python "namepsace" packages, e.g. 
> pkg_name.foo.

> 1) We want to test installed files, not what is in $PWD, so we set PYTHONPATH 
> to
>    %{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch}:%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} and we
>    (try hard to) exclude $PWD from it. This is crucial to ensure the files
>    we actually ship are working and the installed file set is complete.
>    Our macros do this for the packagers.

> 2) The %{python3_site...}/pkg_name/ directory and
>    %{python3_site...}/pkg_name/__init__.py and
>    %{python3_site...}/pkg_name/__pycache__/ and
>    %{python3_site...}/pkg_name/__pycache__/__init__...pyc
>    files must be present in %{buildroot} to successfully run the tests.

> 3) The files from (2) must be excluded from the package because *pkg_name* 
> owns
>    them, not *pkg_name.foo*.
>    We Require the "toplevel" *pkg_name* package from *pkg_name.foo*.
>    The files are not bit-by-bit+metadata identical,
>    so both packages cannot ship them.

> […]

My understanding of the RPM spec sections was always that:

- "%prep" is for "./configure",
- "%build" is for "make",
- "%install" is for "make install", and
- "%check" is for "make check".

"make check" (usually executed /before/ "make install")
works in and on the working directory

To test that the resulting binary package is functional, an-
other venue is needed, and in the case of Fedora, for that
purpose Fedora CI was created

That feels like a much cleaner solution than installing some
files, testing and then not shipping them because the test
environment will be the same as a user's who just installed
the package instead of being in the process of building the

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