sampsonfung wrote:

> While trying to collect a backtrace for org.gnome.Tetravex, I got this in gdb:

> [...]
> Download failed: Timer expired.  Continuing without debug info for 
> /lib64/
> Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/
> Try: dnf --enablerepo='*debug*' install 
> /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/33/70d80a1bf749b3c2baaad0188c864ee9e4bbc4.debug
> [...]

We have had reports that from some corners of the internet (e.g. behind
the "great firewall"), that maintaining a waiting HTTPS connection for
10s of seconds was fragile.  Extending the $DEBUGINFOD_TIMEOUT on the
other hand was sometimes reported to help.

Looking over the system logs for that particular request (3370d80a...),
I'm seeing answer that particular buildid
in about tens of milliseconds (!) a bunch of times, and one failure to
transmit (usually a broken HTTP connection).  If you could send me
(directly) the IP address from where you requested it, and the
$DEBUGINFOD_URLS you were using, I could look further in the logs.  But
so far I see no sign of something triggering timeouts on this side.

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