COPR is like AUR on ARch or PPA on Debian/Ubuntu

These are not in the default installation of the user, and not easily acceisble for a non-tech user, so these not really appropriate.

What I would suggest, is to join the two repositories (being "by default" for the average end user) , except packages coming form the "less involved" people would expire quickly if not maintained

On 2021-05-01 09:47, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 01.05.2021 10:21, Joan Moreau via devel wrote:

For instance, personally, I am not using Fedora at all (Arch fan ;) ) but just willing to make my piece of software available widely for those interested. I am happy to maintain the package in the long run, but will not get involve to much into Fedora project except my small piece of software contribution.

You can use COPR for your software then. No join barrier at all.
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