On 5/5/21 8:16 AM, Scott Talbert wrote:

I'm updating wxWidgets (wxGTK package) to v3.1.5 in Rawhide.  This includes a 
soname bump.  I'm doing the build in a side tag: f35-build-side-40779.

As far as I can tell, the only users are CubicSDR and audacity.  I'll rebuild 
CubicSDR.  Gwyn or Ian, can you please take care of rebuilding audacity in the 
side tag?

KiCAD uses wxGTK, so I think it would require a new build as well.

I haven't done a build in a side tag before.  I think the command would be:

fedpkg build --target=f35-build-side-40779

Is that correct?  Would you like me to kick off a KiCAD build?

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