On 14. 06. 21 17:39, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Questions, questions ...

These new guidelines seem to be fine for pure Python packages, but I'm
maintaining a couple of packages where Python bindings are built as
subpackages of existing C libraries:


[Yes there are good reasons for this.  No we are not going to decouple
them and package the Python stuff separately.]

Running %pyproject_install etc is not really an option for us.
However I guess some of these macros could make sense
(%pyproject_save_files?  %pyproject_files?).  Also I don't think these
projects generate the extra *.egg-info files or how to create them.

Note that the macros are helpers/implementation details. They're not necessary; you can use other tools to be compatible with the guidelines.
Some of those tools are still to be written.
That's the main reason why adopting the guidelines might take a decade. We do intend to add helpers for more use cases, but it's not a priority right now.

Like the change says, there's no rush; the old guidelines will be retired "some time after the vast majority of Python packages follow the new guidelines and there are no known blockers for the remaining ones". I hope it's clear that I do not expect individual packagers to solve this problem. (Though if y'all want to help, I won't object.)

=== Not removing older guidelines ===
There's no rush; it might well take a decade.

I guess we've got a while ...

While I've got your attention, one other package is interesting:


This has Python 3 bindings but they work in completely the opposite
way to normal bindings, namely a Python interpreter is embedded in a
C program.  As far as I know none of the Python guidelines in Fedora
address this scenario directly, and indeed we don't currently use any
of the special %python* macros.

Thanks for the examples!
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