On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 3:14 PM Till Maas <opensou...@till.name> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:55:21AM -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> > Summary: I think we can fix the ELN side-tag rebuild problems and make
> > the composes more reliable if we change the mechanism for kicking off
> > rebuilds. I'm soliciting feedback to help identify potential issues
> > with this proposed approach.
> did you consider mirroring the rawhide side-tag for eln directly from
> the beginning, so that a build for the rawhide side-tag triggers a
> rebuild for the eln side-tag and then the eln side-tag can be merged at
> a similar time as the rawhide side-tag. This way the build order would
> be the same (except if there are wait-repo delays that are not visible
> for the eln automation) and the build load would be distributed.

Yes, and that was the prevailing implementation idea until we came up
with the proposal above. As I noted in the original message, one of
the major benefits is that we don't have to have special handling for
side-tags; they'll behave the same way as non-side-tag builds.

The real issue there is that the wait-repo delays are impossible to
know, so the only option is as Kevin Fenzi noted up-thread: we'd have
to do a wait-repo between all builds. For side-tags with many
packages, this could take days or more to complete.
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