Thank you for your decision to destroy Silverblue, the best thing Fedora has 
done in the last 10 years.

The only thing that makes Silverblue useful -- indeed, superior -- as a desktop 
is the ready availability of Flatpaks for any application the user could want. 
Unlike old-fashioned Fedora, modifying Fedora to accept the regular Flathub is 
a multi-step operation, and not one that's easy for standard users.  This has 
allowed us to finally break out of the longstanding Fedora issue of "Sorry, I 
can't access that app because I'm on Fedora".

For the last 3 years, Silverblue has spread through the developer ecosystem 
because it's the best immutable desktop.  For a short time I dared hope that  
we'd retake desktop primacy from Ubuntu!  But I should have known better.

If another vendor like Ubuntu or Docker were to do this kind of surprise 
filtering of apps, Fedora would attack it and write long blogs taking a stance 
on user choice and against vendors using their influence to spread vertical 
monopolies.  But I guess it's OK if Fedora does it?

If y'all want folks to use Fedora Flatpaks instead of Flathub ones, the answer 
is to **make more applications available** via Fedora Flatpaks. Not to restrict 
user choice through underhanded BS like this move. 
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