This is an interesting proposal and discussion.

I assume that the people who worked on it looked into various different
possibilities for its implementation and decide on the current one, but I
have a few questions:

   - Since there are people concerned about the increased size of the
   binary, and since none of the fields are mandatory, would it be beneficial
   to use a package URL (PURL[1]) instead? That way, a few bytes can be saved
   (a few values are included in the same key).


     "osCpe": "cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:33",
     "debugInfoUrl": ""}

would become:

     "osCpe": "cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:33",
     "debugInfoUrl": ""}

   - There are a few existing formats for software identification and SBOMs:
      - SPDX[2], used in the example spec in the proposal
      - SWID tags[3][4]
      - OWASP CycloneDX[5]
      - CPE[6], used in the example JSON above
      - PURL[1]
      - probably more :D

a few of those are too verbose to be considered, but in particular
CycloneDX can be expressed in JSON and supports PURL

   - What level of trustworthiness would the generated JSON have? Is it
   relevant or in scope? Some of the existing formats support signatures, e.g.
   CycloneDX supports JSF[7].



On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 9:09 PM Ben Cotton <> wrote:

> == Summary ==
> All binaries (executables and shared libraries) are annotated with an
> ELF note that identifies the rpm for which this file was built. This
> allows binaries to be identified when they are distributed without any
> of the rpm metadata. `systemd-coredump` uses this to log package
> versions when reporting crashes.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:Zbyszek|Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek]]
> * Email:
> * Name: Lennart Poettering
> * Email:
> == Detailed Description ==
> People mix binaries (programs and libraries) from different
> distributions (for example using Fedora containers on Debian or vice
> versa), and distribute binaries without packaging metadata (for
> example by stripping everything except the binary from a container
> image, also removing `/usr/lib/.build-id/*`), compile their own rpm
> packages (for internal distribution and installation), and compile and
> distribute their own binaries. Sometimes we need to introspect a
> binary and figure out its provenance, for example when a program
> crashes and we are looking at a core dump, but also when we have a
> binary without the packaging metadata. When the need to introspect a
> binary arises, we have some very good mechanisms to show the
> provenance: when a file is installed through the package manager we
> can directly list the providing package, but even without this we can
> use build-ids embedded in the binary to uniquely identify the
> originating build. But those mechanisms work best when we're in the
> realm of a single distribution. In particular, build-ids can be easily
> tied to a source rpm, but only when we have the source rpm is part of
> the distribution and the build-id was registered in the appropriate
> database which maps build-ids to real package names. When we move
> outside of the realm of a single distribution, it can be hard to
> figure out where a given binary originates from. If we know that a
> binary is from a given distribution, we may be able to use some
> distro-specific mechanism to figure out this information. But those
> mechanisms will be different for different distributions and will
> often require network access. With this change we aim to provide a
> mechanism that is is very simple, provides a "human-readable" origin
> information without further processing, is portable across distros,
> and works without network access.
> The directly motivating use case is display of core dumps. Right now
> we have build-ids, but those are just opaque hexadecimal numbers that
> are not meaningful to users. We would like to immediately list
> versions of packages involved in the crash (including both the program
> and any libraries it links to). It is not enough to query the rpm
> database to do the equivalent of `rpm -qf …`: very often programs
> crash after some packages have been upgraded and the binaries loaded
> into memory are not the binaries that are currently present on disk,
> or when through some mishap, the binaries on disk do not match the
> installed rpms.  A mechanism that works without rpm database lookup or
> network access allows this information to be showed immediately in
> `coredumpctl` listings and journal entries about the crash. This
> includes crashes that happen in the initrd and sandboxed containers.
> A second motivating use case is when users distribute their own
> binaries and would like to collect crash information. Build-ids are a
> solution that is technically possible, but easy to get wrong in
> practice: users would need to immediately record the build-id after
> the build and store the mapping to program names, versions, and build
> number in some database. It's much easier to be able to record
> something during the build in the build product itself.
> A third motivating use case is the general mixing of Fedora binaries
> with programs and libraries from different distributions, both with
> our binaries being used as the base for foreign binaries, and the
> other way around. Whilst most distributions provide some mechanism to
> figure out the source build information, those mechanisms vary by
> distribution and may not be easy to access from a "foreign" system.
> Such mixing is expected with containers, flatpaks, snaps, Python
> binary wheels, anaconda packages, and quite often when somebody
> compiles a binary and puts it up on the web for other people to
> download.
> We propose a new mechanism which is designed to be very simple but
> extensible: a small JSON document is embedded in an section in the ELF
> binary. This document can be easily read by a human if necessary, but
> it is also well-defined and can be processed programatically. For
> example, `systemd-coredump` will immediately make use of this to
> display package ''nevra'' information for crashes. The format is also
> easy to generate, so it can be added to any build system, either using
> the helpers that we provide or even reimplemented from scratch.
> For the case where we mix binaries from different distros (the third
> motivating use case above), this approach is the most useful when this
> system is used by all distros and even non-distro builds. The more
> widely it is used, the more useful it becomes. The specification was
> developed in collaboration with Debian developers, and we hope that
> Fedora and Debian will lead the way for this to become as widely used
> as build-ids. But even if the information is only available from some
> distros, it is still useful, except that fallback mechanisms need to
> be implemented.
> === Existing system: `` ===
> We already have build-ids: every ELF object has a ``
> note, and given a core file, we can read the build-id and look it up
> in the rpm database (`dnf repoquery --whatprovides debuginfo(build-id)
> = …`) to map it to a package name.
> Build-ids are unique and compact and very generic and work as expected
> in general. But they have some downsides:
> * build-ids are not very informative for users. Before the build-id is
> converted back to the appropriate package, it's completely opaque.
> * build-ids require a working rpm database or an internet connection
> to map to the package name.
> Three important cases:
> * minimal containers: the rpm database is not installed in the
> containers. The information about build-ids needs to be stored
> externally, so package name information is not available immediately,
> but only after offline processing. The new note doesn't depend on the
> rpm db in any way.
> * handling of a core from a container, where the container and host
> have different distros
> * self-built and external packages: unless a lot of care is taken to
> keep access to the debuginfo packages, this information may be lost.
> The new note is available even if the repository metadata gets lost.
> Users can easily provide equivalent information in a format that makes
> sense in their own environment. It should work even when rpms and debs
> and other formats are mixed, e.g. during container image creation.
> === New system: `.note.package` ===
> The new note is created and propagated similarly to
> ``. The difference is that we inject the information
> about package ''nevra'' from the build system.
> The implementation is very simple: `%{build_ldflags}` are extended
> with a command to insert a custom note as a separate section in an ELF
> object. See [
> hello.spec] for an example. This is done in the default macros, so all
> packages that use the prescribed link flags will be affected.
> The note is a compact json string. This allows the format to be
> trivially extensible (new fields can be added at will), easy to
> process (json is extremely popular and parsers are widely available).
> Using a single field rather than a set of separated notes is more
> space-efficient. With multiple fields the padding and alignment
> requirements cause unnecessary overhead.
> The system was designed with cross-distro collaboration and is
> flexible enough to identify binaries from different packaging formats
> and build systems (rpms, debs, custom binaries).
> See for detailed
> description of the format.
> One of the advantages of using an ELF note, as opposed to say a series
> of extended attributes on the binary itself, is that the ELF note gets
> automatically captured and copied into a core file by the kernel.
> Extended attributes would have to be copied manually, which might not
> even be possible because the binary on disk may have been removed by
> the time the crash is analyzed.
> The overhead is about 200 bytes for each ELF object.
> We have about overall 33200 files in `/usr/s?bin/` and about 36600
> `.so` files (F35, single architecture,
> results from `dnf repoquery -l 2>/dev/null | rg '^/usr/s?bin/' | sort
> -u | wc -l`,
> `dnf repoquery -l 2>/dev/null | rg '^/usr/lib64/.*\.so$' |sort -u|wc -l`).
> If we do this for the whole distro, we get 69800 × 200 = 13 MB.
> For a typical installation, we can expect about 300–400 kB.
> Thus the overhead of additionally used space is neglible (also see the
> Feedback section for more discussion).
> Precise measurements TBD once this is turned on and we have real
> measurements for a larger number of builds.
> === Examples ===
> <pre>
> $ objdump -s -j .note.package build/
> build/     file format elf64-x86-64
> Contents of section .note.package:
>  02ec 04000000 63000000 7e1afeca 46444f00  ....c...~...FDO.
>  02fc 7b227479 7065223a 2272706d 222c226e  {"type":"rpm","n
>  030c 616d6522 3a226865 6c6c6f22 2c227665  ame":"hello","ve
>  031c 7273696f 6e223a22 302d312e 66633335  rsion":"0-1.fc35
>  032c 2e783836 5f363422 2c226f73 43706522  .x86_64","osCpe"
>  033c 3a226370 653a2f6f 3a666564 6f726170  :"cpe:/o:fedorap
>  034c 726f6a65 63743a66 65646f72 613a3333  roject:fedora:33
>  035c 227d0000                             "}..
> </pre>
> <pre>
> $ readelf --notes build/hello | grep "description data" | sed -e
> "s/\s*description data: //g" -e "s/ //g" | xxd -p -r | jq
> readelf: build/hello: Warning: Gap in build notes detected from 0x1091 to
> 0x10de
> readelf: build/hello: Warning: Gap in build notes detected from 0x1091 to
> 0x10af
> readelf: build/hello: Warning: Gap in build notes detected from 0x1091 to
> 0x119f
> {
>   "type": "rpm",
>   "name": "hello",
>   "version": "0-1.fc35.x86_64",
>   "osCpe": "cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:33"
> }
> </pre>
> <pre>
> $ coredumpctl info
>            PID: 44522 (fsverity)
> ...
>        Package: fsverity-utils/1.3-1
>       build-id: ac89bf7175b04d7eec7f6544a923f45be111f0be
>        Message: Process 44522 (fsverity) of user 1000 dumped core.
>                 Found module
> /home/bluca/git/fsverity-utils/ with build-id:
> fa40fdfb79aea84167c98ca8a89add9ac4f51069
>                 Metadata for module
> /home/bluca/git/fsverity-utils/ owned by FDO found: {
>                 "packageType" : "deb",
>                 "package" : "fsverity-utils",
>                 "packageVersion" : "1.3-1"
>                 }
>                 Found module with build-id:
> aba08e06103f725e26f1d7c178fb6b76a564a35d
>                 Found module with build-id:
> e91114987a0147bd050addbd591eb8994b29f4b3
>                 Found module with build-id:
> d3583c742dd47aaa860c5ae0c0c5bdbcd2d54f61
>                 Found module with build-id:
> f25dfd7b95be4ba386fd71080accae8c0732b711
>                 Found module with build-id:
> 749142d5ee728a76e7cdc61fd79d2311a77405a2
>                 Found module with build-id:
> 18b9a9a8c523e5cfe5b5d946d605d09242f09798
>                 Found module fsverity with build-id:
> ac89bf7175b04d7eec7f6544a923f45be111f0be
>                 Metadata for module fsverity owned by FDO found: {
>                 "packageType" : "deb",
>                 "package" : "fsverity-utils",
>                 "packageVersion" : "1.3-1"
>                 }
>                 Stack trace of thread 44522:
>                 #0  0x00007fe7c8af26f4 __GI___nanosleep ( +
> 0xc66f4)
>                 #1  0x00007fe7c8af262a __sleep ( + 0xc662a)
>                 #2  0x00005608481407dd main (fsverity + 0x27dd)
>                 #3  0x00007fe7c8a5009b __libc_start_main ( +
> 0x2409b)
>                 #4  0x000056084814094a _start (fsverity + 0x294a)
> </pre>
> == Feedback ==
> See [ systemd issue
> #18433] for upstream discussion and implementation proposals.
> === Concerns about additional changes to files ===
> <pre>
> 17:32:30 <Eighth_Doctor> I think zbyszek underestimates how much of a
> problem it is to stamp every ELF binary with ''nevra'' data
> 17:32:44 <mhroncok> zbyszek: so, assuming python has ~100 ELF .so
> files and I change one text file
> 17:33:22 <mhroncok> (ignore for the time being that the .so files
> often changed because of toolchain updates and assume they are stable)
> </pre>
> I tested this with python3.10. So far there are 13 builds of that
> package in F35:
> `python3.10-3.10.0-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~a6-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~a6-2.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~a7-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b1-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b2-2.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b2-3.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b3-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b4-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b4-2.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~b4-3.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~rc1-1.fc35`,
> `python3.10-3.10.0~rc2-1.fc35`.
> I extracted the builds (for `.x86_64`) and made a list of all `.so`
> files (1368 files), and calculated sha256 hashes for them. No two
> files repeat, there are 1368 distinct hashes. So the files are
> '''already''' different between builds and the additional proposed
> metadata does will not make a significant difference.
> Note that this range of Python versions encompasses periods when the
> package is under development and undergoes significant changes (alpha
> versions), and when it's only undergoing small changes (rc versions).
> The fact that we get different files in each build is not surprising,
> because files embed build-ids which differ between builds. But even if
> we ignore those, binaries generally differ between builds. Even sizes
> tend to vary between builds: there are 636 distinct `.so` file sizes,
> i.e. on average any given size only repeats twice (presumably most
> often for the same file). Running `diffoscope` on `.so` files from
> different builds shows minor changes in the assembly which I did not
> analyze futher.
> If people have specific questions, for example about overhead in some
> scenario, I'd be happy to answer them. Until now, the issues that were
> raised were very vague, so it's impossible to answer them.
> === Why not just use the rpm database? ===
> <pre>
> 17:34:33 <dcantrell> The main reason for this appears to be that we
> need the RPM db locally to resolve build-ids to package names. But
> since containers wipe /var/lib/rpm, we can't do that. So the solution
> is to put the ''nevra'' in ELF metadata?
> 17:34:39 <dcantrell> That feels like the wrong approach.
> </pre>
> First, there are legitimate reasons to strip packaging metadata from
> images. For example, for an initrd image from rpms, I get 117 MB of
> files (without compression), and out of this `/var/lib/rpm` is 5.9 MB,
> and `/var/lib/dnf` is 4.2 MB. This is an overhead of 9%. This is ''not
> much'', but still too much to keep in the image unless necessary.
> Similar ratios will happen for containers of similar size. Reducing
> image size by one tenth is important. There is no `rpm` or `dnf` in
> the image, to the package database is not even usable without external
> tools.
> As discussed on IRC
> (
> ),
> the containers ''we'' build don't wipe this metadata, but custom
> Dockerfiles do that.
> Second, as described in Description section above, not everybody and
> everything uses rpm. The Fedora motto is "we make an operating system
> and we make it easy for you to do useful stuff with it" (and yes, this
> is an actual quote from the official docs), and this stuff involves
> reusing our binaries in containers and custom installations and
> whatnot, not just straightforward installations with `dnf`. And in the
> other direction, people will build their own binaries that are not
> packaged as rpms. But it is still important to be able to figure out
> the exact version of a binary, especially after it crashes.
> === Why do this in Fedora? ===
> <pre>
> 17:36:49 <mhroncok> I don't understand how non-rpm distros and custom
> built binaries are affected by our rpm-build environment :/
> </pre>
> The idea is that we inject this into our build system, and Debian
> injects this into their build system, and so on… As mentioned, this is
> a cross-distro effort. Also, people can use it in their custom build
> systems if they build and distribute binaries internally. The scheme
> would obviously be most useful if used comprehensively, but it's still
> useful when available partially. We hope that Fedora can lead the way.
> (This is similar to build-ids: when initially adopted, they were used
> only by some distros, but were useful even then. Nowadays, with
> comprehensive adoption, they are even more useful.)
> contains a nice
> description of a pathological case of packaging hacks and binary
> redistribution. When trying to unravel something like this,
> information embedded directly in the binaries would be quite useful.
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> A simple and reliable way to gather information about package versions
> of programs is added.
> It enhances, instead of replacing, the existing mechanisms.
> It is particularly useful when reporting crash dumps, but can also be
> used for image introspection and forensincs, license checks and
> version scans on containers, etc.
> If we adopt this in Fedora, Fedora leads the way on implementing the
> standard. Fedora binaries used in any context can be easily
> recognized. Fedora binaries provide a better basis to build things.
> If other distros adopt this, we can introspect and report on those
> binaries easily within the Fedora context. For example, when somebody
> is using a container with some programs that originate in the Debian
> ecosystem, we would be able to identify those programs without tools
> like `apt` or `dpkg-query`. Core dump analaysis executed in the Fedora
> host can easily provide useful information about programs from foreign
> builds.
> == Implementation in Other Distributions ==
> === Microsoft CBL-Mariner ===
> [ CBL-Mariner] is an
> [ open source] Linux
> distribution created by Microsoft, targeted at first-party and
> container workloads on Azure. It is used both as a container runner
> host and a base container image.
> Mariner adopted the ELF stamping packaging metadata spec in
> [
> version 1.0], initially to add OS metadata, and package-level metadata
> will be added in a following release.
> === Debian ===
> A package-level proof-of-concept is included in the
> [
> package-notes
> <>]
> repository.
> A [
> system-level
> <>
> proof-of-concept] that enables ELF stamping by default in
> all builds implicitly will be proposed for adoption in the future.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> ** create a specification (First version DONE:
> [
> COREDUMP_PACKAGE_METADATA]. We might need to make some adjustments
> based on the deployment in Fedora, but no big changes are expected.)
> ** write a script to generate the package note (First version DONE:
> [
> ** provide a patch for `redhat-rpm-config` to insert appropriate
> compilation options
> ** extend systemd's coredumpctl to extract and display this
> information (DONE: [ PR
> #19135], available in systemd-249)
> ** submit pull request to Packaging Guidelines
> * Other developers:
> ** possibly add support in abrt?
> * Release engineering: There should be no impact.
> * Policies and guidelines:
> The new flags should be mentioned in Packaging Guidelines.
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> N/A
> * Alignment with Objectives:
> It might be relevant for Minimization. Even though it increases the
> image size a tiny bit, it makes minimized images work a bit better.
> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> No impact.
> == How To Test ==
> <pre>
> $ bash -c 'kill -SEGV $$'
> $ coredumpctl
> TIME                            PID  UID  GID SIG     COREFILE EXE
> Mon 2021-03-01 14:37:22 CET  855151 1000 1000 SIGSEGV present
> /usr/bin/bash 51.7K bash-5.1.0-2.fc34.x86_64
> </pre>
> == User Experience ==
> `coredumpctl` should display information about package versions.
> `readelf --notes` or similar tools can be used on `.so` files and
> compiled programs
> to extract the JSON blurb that describes the originating package.
> == Dependencies ==
> None.
> == Contingency Plan ==
> * Contingency mechanism: Remove the new compilation flags. Rebuild any
> packages that were build with the new flags.
> * Contingency deadline: Beta freeze.
> * Blocks release? No.
> == Documentation ==
> *
> *
> See also [[Changes/DebuginfodByDefault]].
> --
> Ben Cotton
> He / Him / His
> Fedora Program Manager
> Red Hat
> TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis
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