On 11/2/21 10:19 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> Hi All,
> Tomorrow we will be holding a video meeting for the Fedora CoreOS community.
> Colin Walters will be presenting on a new proposal for "CoreOS Layering".
> https://github.com/coreos/enhancements/pull/7
> We'll also be discussing any meeting tickets and possibly revisit our list of 
> high level
> issues.
> Time:         16:30 UTC (same as normal) on Wednesday October 6th
> Location:     https://meet.google.com/igd-ekxw-nzi (will be recorded)
> Agenda/Notes: https://hackmd.io/5bdC2OLjQYmB5ErZ4AzpdA

Thanks to everyone who attended! Here is a link to the meeting recording:

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