On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 03:30:52PM +0000, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> I can't see how "rawhide/f36 has been completely isolated from
> previous releases" can be interpreted to mean that :-)

Well, long ago when we branched, there was a inheritence chain in koji,
so if you built something in F(n-1) it just got inherited into F(n). 
So, ie, if you built foo-1.0-1.fc36 it would just also appear in rawhide
until you specifically did a rawhide build). This just caused a lot of
problems, and I think this announcement dates back to when that just
happened. So, now it's causing confusion the other way. :) 

> f36 was already isolated from f35 and the other previous releases.
> rawhide has now been isolated from f36 (which is not a release).
> How about rewording it as:
> "Fedora 36 has now been branched, please be sure to do a git fetch
> to pick up the new branch. As f36 and rawhide are now separate branches,
> anything you do for f36 must also be done in the rawhide branch."
> (This seems backwards for my workflow. If I wanted to make a change on
> both rawhide and f36 I'd do it in rawhide and do a fast-forward merge
> to get it on the f36 branch, but this announcement probably isn't the
> place to be giving people tips on git workflow.)
> The next part seems OK ...
> "There will be a Fedora 36 compose and it'll appear in
> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/36/ once
> complete. Please be sure to check it out."
> Although I'd avoid the contraction "it'll" and I'm not sure what
> "check it out" means. Is it telling me to checkout a Git branch?
> Because that's how it could be interpreted. I think it's telling me to
> try the 36 compose. "Please be sure" sounds like this is something I
> *should* be doing as a package maintainer, but I'm afraid I never
> routinely try pre-release composes. Maybe it should simply encourage
> people to try it, not sound like it's compulsory.

Yeah, I am going to get all these announcements checked into git and
adjusted. Thanks for the good feedback on it.


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