V Tue, May 24, 2022 at 01:16:44PM +0200, Michal Schorm napsal(a):
> I want to create a new module stream.
> All the RPMs repos and the Module repo exist. I just need new branches
> in all of them.
> However I've run into a deadlock.
> Non-release branches require SL to be defined. And SL before it is
> defined checks that such a branch exists.
No. You only misinterpret the error message:

> | fedpkg request-branch 10.8 --sl 10.8:2030-12-01
> | Could not execute request_branch: The SL "10.8" is not in PDC
A service level has a name and a value. The value, listed after the colon, is
a date. The name, listed before the colon, is not a free string. It needs to
be one of names known by in PDC. "10.8" is not it. I recommend using
"bug_fixes". See

In other words, you want a command like this:

$ fedpkg request-branch 10.8 --sl bug_fixes:2030-12-01

-- Petr

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