
We reported issues with DNSSEC tools stopped working with resolved were enabled shortly before f33 release. I admit I have not noticed soon enough, because I haven't noticed how it behaves. We were promised a quick fix back then. Since f33 systemd-resolved is installed by default on Workstation and Server.

But the issue remains unchanged still in Fedora 37. Any attempt to use DNSSEC without manual change just fails. You can try delv from bind-utils, unbound-host -rD from unbound or drill -S src.fedoraproject.org from ldns-utils. They all fail on default installation. I have reported multiple bugs, which remains in NEW state for years. I have reported also upstream issues, which are either ignored or closed without proper fix.

It stop any my attempts at getting DNSSEC more popular and used. It is clearly not high on systemd team priority list. For years. It has caused regression without a proper fix.

I request to change default resolv.conf back to file generated by Network Manager. We have resolve nss plugin listed in /etc/nsswitch.conf, so it would still cache all name requests from glibc. But it would not interfere with DNS specialized tools in a weird way, like LLMNR [1]. I don't think systemd-resolved provides any other record types than reverse mapping or addresses. All that can be safely provided via resolve nss plugin, where it would not cause any regressions. A minimal change would be using /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf as a target of current /etc/resolv.conf symlink.

If systemd-resolved ever becomes capable as a good DNS cache, we can return it back to domain port. I don't think it is ready for that.



1. https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/23494

Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat, http://www.redhat.com/
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