Dne 01. 07. 22 v 19:54 Ben Cotton napsal(a):
== Detailed Description ==
The `linux-firmware` RPM is very large (175M src.rpm, 287M
*.noarch.rpm per 20211027-126) that bundles most of the system
firmware loaded by the kernel, regardless of whether it’s actually
needed. Some additional firmwares are already split up into individual
subpackages. This change would extend that, splitting out most firmare
into appropriate subpackages. The Change would also make the
subpackages `Supplements` the appropriate `modalias(...)` for the
hardware they support and `Provides`

Wow, I wanted this for loong time. Thank you for doing this.

A DNF plugin will be written to make use of the `Supplements` metadata
to automatically install the appropriate firmware packages based on
the hardware present on the system (see openSUSE's `libzypp`:

Can this be paired with simple command line tool which will "just" print the appropriate packages? It would  be usefull in e.g., creating Ansible playbooks for the machine.

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