On Wed Oct 5, 2022, Maxwell G via devel wrote:
> Hi Fedorians,
> I think we should define a more through list of blockers/criteria that
> dnf5 needs to meet before it can replace the current dnf.
> The DNF maintainers have their list of requirements, but it would be
> helpful for the wider community to test dnf5 and report which currently
> unimplemented features/usecases would block them from adopting it.
> Hopefully, the more popular, for lack of a better word, blockers can be
> incorporated into the Change Proposal or otherwise required by FESCo as
> a prerequisite for this change. This should help the DNF maintainers
> prioritize, keep everyone on the same page, and ensure that dnf5 doesn't
> prematurely become the default.

Some of mine:

- `dnf repoquery` -- Currently, `dnf5 repoquery` nowhere near meets the
  capabilities of the old version. This is the most important to me.
- `dnf config-manager`
- `dnf copr`
- `dnf system-upgrade`
- `dnf needs-restarting` - nice to have
- Documentation for the Python API. Currently, the C++ library is
  documented, but the Python bindings are not. I saw someone else ask for
  this, and now I'm adding it to my blockers :). The current Python API
  documentation is great, so I wouldn't want to lose that.
- A fully populated manpage. dnf5's manpage is nearly empty
  right now.

- The `dnf update` alias is missing
- `--refresh` is missing
- The old dnf has some zypper style aliases (e.g. in for install,
  dsync for distro-sync). I don't use them, but I noticed they were
- I'm not sure what will happen with the old yum-utils aliases (e.g.
  /usr/bin/repoquery). I always use `dnf repoquery`, but I'd reckon that
  many others use the alias.


Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
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