Stephen Smoogen wrote:
> I did a check on some.. I only downloaded 3 isos so this isn't a complete
> set.

I think trying to track down 11 to 16 years of creeping bloat now is pretty 
much a lost cause, but one thing I notice:

> The 20 largest packages on 33 is:
> 47955205 qt5-qtwebkit
> 60158710 webkit2gtk3
> 165482197 qt5-qtwebengine
> 271515808 firefox

Having 4 different web engines on the Spin definitely does not help. 
qt5-qtwebengine is the one that logically should be there, the others are 

Of these, Firefox is the largest and even overall the second largest package 
on the Spin (and that does not even include the size of the separate 
firefox-langpacks package that should be added to the Firefox size). It is 
entirely unnecessary on the KDE Spin because we already have Falkon:

webkit2gtk3 was probably dragged in by the Anaconda → Yelp → WebKitGTK 
dependency chain. I blame Anaconda for that dependency bloat.

(Of course, the Anaconda web UI will make the situation even worse there, in 
that one of the above will become required by Anaconda to even just display 
its UI. I think switching to Calamares should be seriously considered at 
least for the KDE Spin.)

As for qt5-qtwebkit, I am not sure what dragged this in on F33. We have been 
trying to get rid of QtWebKit uses. I do not know yet what dragged this in 
on F33 and whether that has been fixed since.

        Kevin Kofler
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