On ti, 21 maalis 2023, Jonathan Wright via devel wrote:

I've updated Certbot to 2.2.0 in rawhide, f38, f37, and epel9.  I wanted to
email devel and seek more testing than usual for this release as I've also
converted the 10-15 packages to be built from a single spec instead of all
broken up as they were prior (ref

If people could please update their certbot-related packages from
epel-testing and provide feedback here and/or karma or comments on the
updates in bodhi I'd be extremely grateful.

Thanks. We have certbot tests in FreeIPA upstream. We run them against
Rawhide weekly.
Here is the one that was run on March 18th:

This one ran against certbot 2.1.0, but we'll see this Saturday how the
tests will behave against 2.2.0.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland
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