Once upon a time, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> said:
> Read-only drivers, which are the only drivers under discussion here, aren't a 
> per se problem because they can't modify the file system. So they have no 
> complaints about that.

But those read-only drivers are incomplete and problematic, especially
as filesystems get more complex.  I've been bitten before by an
ill-timed unclean shutdown, where an update was still in the /boot ext4
journal but not comitted, so the system would not boot, because the
GRUB2 ext4 driver doesn't read the journal.

There should be _less_ put into GRUB2 filesystem support IMHO, not more.
No more complex filesystems; keep /boot something simple like ext2 that
GRUB2 can reasonably be expected to handle basically 100%, possibly
mounted read-only during normal operation, mount with "sync", and with
all updates as atomic as practical.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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