On 27/05/2023 14:33, Fabio Valentini wrote:
It would probably be better if the legal docs made this explicit, and made Rust no longer a special case. The fact that only Rust is called out is an artifact of this rule having been moved from the Rust Packaging Guidelines to the legal docs, but other languages that are in similar situations didn't even have guidelines for this case.

I have the opposite opinion. Even Rust packages should only include to the License tag libraries bundled into the source tarball.

All other licenses can be traced, if necessary, from the corresponding -devel packages.

If one had to manually track each header-only library in the dependency tree, check their licenses, and document them in the License tag, that would add useless extra work to the maintainers. It must be automated.

  Vitaly Zaitsev (vit...@easycoding.org)
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