On Sat, Jun 03, 2023 at 11:54:46PM -0000, Daniel Milnes via devel wrote:
> Hey all, I'm Daniel Milnes.
> By day I'm a CyberSecurity Engineer at LMAX Group, part of the team 
> responsible for running ~2k Rocky Linux servers, and by night I'm head of 
> Infrastructure for RACTF, an open-source framework for hosting Cyber Security 
> Capture-The-Flag events. This means I've got a professional and personal 
> interest in the health of the Fedora ecosystem, directly on my personal 
> workstations, and indirectly on servers running distros which are downstream 
> from Fedora.
> I'm responsible for maintaining several RPMs as part of my job, and am hoping 
> to be able to transfer that experience over to Fedora. I've submitted an RPM 
> for an open source tool I developed (bugzilla#2210561), and plan to use the 
> experience from there to help maintain other packages.
> Also in case it's ever needed, my GPG key is on https://beano.dev/gpg (follow 
> redirects).
> Thank you all for what you do for the Linux ecosystem!

Hi Daniel,

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