
On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 12:02:05PM +0200, Alexander Ploumistos wrote:
> Hello,
> I maintain the gnome-shell extension for bubblemail. I was informed by
> the upstream developer that in order to support GNOME ≥ 45, he is
> rewriting most of the code. What is currently the master branch will
> support (recent) GNOME versions up to 44.x and there will be another
> branch for 45 and newer.
> Do I need to create something like a compat package or can I just
> switch to the new source/branch from F39 onward? I suppose that a
> bugfix for F37 and F38 down the road is not out of the question, so
> there will be two different upstream branches for different Fedora
> versions.
I maintain Argos, where there's also a PR I'm shipping in Fedora >= 39
because it drops support for older GNOME releases.

Since Fedora only introduces major GNOME versions in new releases, I
think it's safe to use the same dist-git repo and just let the spec

Assuming the fixes in the branch that supports legacy GNOME are few and
far between, you can probably do something similar to this:


(in this case, some patches are conditionally applied only to releases
with GNOME >= 45, but you can also do it the other way around)


Michel Lind (né Salim)
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