On Thu, 2024-02-01 at 15:31 +0100, Leon Fauster via devel wrote:
> Am 01.02.24 um 14:18 schrieb Sérgio Basto:
> <snip>
> > The problem is not KDE SIG not support X11, the problem is KDE SIG
> > want
> > drop X11 and force user to use wayland .
> Looking from the side I wonder If its the SIG or more the
> circumstances
> that everything is in a forward flow and the SIG is facing it. So, if
> the best time was not two or one year ago, and obviously also not
> now.
> When then? The fact is that there must be a point in time when the 
> display server takes an evolution step forward.
> Pressure in such transition helps to get forward, so I understand the
> SIGs POV. Albeit, from the practical POV there are some issue and 
> therefore X11 is still the place to be.
> Maybe some elaboration should be done about the current state of X11
> vs
> Wayland (is it just nvidia?) and a timeframe calculation to have a 
> resolution. Maybe it won't look so bad then and a interim solution is
> then more acceptable.

I have an obvious answer is when the authors decide, in this case Xorg,
when Xorg decides that it will stop supporting X11, like happened to
Python2 or PHP5 and 7 or Gnome 

In fact, it is something I've been thinking about, IMHO, downstream
shouldn't decide when software is deprecated or not like KDE and Red
HAt did , it's weird to me [1], although in RHEL we could have the
packages via EPEL, I think, and RHEL 10 is only in a year and a half 


> --
> Leon
> --
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