Adam Williamson wrote:
> I mean, we really don't need to speculate about this much. We did an
> entire overhaul of the project -

That was for Fedora 21 in 2014! As you stated it, I know you and I have been 
around forever and 2014 feels like yesterday, but it was really quite a long 
time ago. ;-)

Now we are planning for Fedora 2*21, which would be a good time to revisit 
this decision.

> which was explicitly based around making it much more focused and less of
> a choose-your-own-adventure, specifically including making the download
> page much more opinionated.

Which is exactly what we (KDE users) are complaining about and have been 
complaining about for those 10 years. And we know many users have complained 
about it, too. If they even found out Fedora supports KDE/Plasma at all, 
which not all of them did.

The download page now is not as horrible as it was 10 years ago, but the 
main issue (the featuring of the Editions at the expense of everything else, 
making the GNOME "Workstation Edition" much more prominent than the other 
desktop environment options) is by design and thus still present.

> AFAIR, the numbers Matthew tracks strongly indicate this was associated
> with a very significant immediate bump in Fedora usage.

There is no evidence that this was a consequence of the change itself and 
not of the massive marketing done around it. Media loves announcing when 
something changes. So if Fedora changes things again to make Editions and 
Spins equal, and comes up with a fancy codename (like the old "") 
for that ("Fedora.equality"? "Fedora.flexible"? "Fedora.choice"? "Your 
Fedora"? Or whatever the marketers can come up with), I expect that we will 
get lots of media coverage and another bump in downloads from that.

        Kevin Kofler
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