On Mon, 2024-04-22 at 11:04 -0400, Kaleb Keithley wrote:
> Coming soon.
> Updating to Arrow 16.0.0

Thanks for the minimal notice, but that is not how this is supposed to
be done.

You are supposed to mail all the maintainers of dependent components
and provide at least a week to co-ordinate rebuilds in a side tag, then
send out an update with all the rebuilds together.

Not send one email to one mailing list then dump the soname bump,
alone, into Rawhide the next day:

this has broken KDE installs, because digikam-libs requires opencv-
imgcodecs which requires gdal-libs which is built against a library
which had its soname bumped in the libarrow bump (libparquet.so.1500 to
libparquet.so.1600 ). That library is also required by three ceph
subpackages - ceph-common, ceph-radosgw, and ceph-test - and by librgw2
. libarrow.so also had its soname bumped, and that is required by
groonga-libs and root-tree-dataframe . A bunch of other libraries were
also bumped but on a quick look appear not to be required by anything
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @ad...@fosstodon.org

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