On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 12:48:02PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> The reason anaconda writes /etc/default/grub is that it can actually
> contain different things depending on the install config. Most notably,
> the default timeout can change depending on whether you're installing a
> single-boot or dual-boot system; the intent is that the timeout is 0 for
> a single-boot system but 5s or 10s or something for dual-boot. I think
> this might have broken in recent releases, but it's the intent, at
> least.
> It also writes different values for serial console installations, and
> can configure a bootloader password.
> See pyanaconda/bootloader.py , around line 1730 (that's in the f17
> branch) - write_defaults(self) .

Is there some reason this can't be refactored into a standalone
executable that is included in one of the grub* packages?

Scott Schmit

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