I ran yum distro-sync command but encountered dependencies issue related to shotwell and ffmpeg from RPM Fusion which I removed them. Applying systemctl enable --force gdm.service was cumbersome with polkit and selinux policies problem where I had to reinstall both polkit and systemd with Ray's (halfine) suggestion.

I have gdm graphical login screen operational, the entire desktop is slow compared to the previous gnome 3.4.2 on Fedora 17running on a AMD E350 powered laptop. I don't know what exactly cause slowdown, it appears to be a regression. Should I file a bug report

On 18/08/12 07:30 AM, eduard.vopicka wrote:

How about

yum distro-sync?



Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: l...@fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.thefinalzone.net

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