
if the server sits in a RFC1918 network (, has a static IP and a configured gateway and DNS, it might be reasonable to assume, the dhcpd should operate in this range and set the options for DNS and gateway accordingly.

At least the installation could produce a sample-config-file, which reflects the running configuration.

Also it could to talk to firewalld to configure the firewall.

But I used dhcpd just as a (maybe bad) exmaple to explain my problem.

cu romal

Am 27.01.14 20:33, schrieb Chris Adams:
Once upon a time, Robert M. Albrecht <li...@romal.de> said:
If I install a Windows-Server with some services like DHCP or file
services, I get a working configuration.

Can you be more specific on what you mean by "working configuration"?
As far as I know, you still have to configure the service on Windows
before it does anything.  How could a "default" install of a DHCP
service possibly know what to do without configuration?

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