On 30 November 2015 at 12:29, Steve Clark <scl...@netwolves.com> wrote:
> On 11/26/2015 06:32 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
>> On 25 November 2015 at 22:01, Adam Williamson
>> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

<need some context>
>>> The wiki page explaining the GNOME-on-Wayland approach to middle-button
>>> paste - https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/PrimarySelection -
>>> makes this claim as one of the reasons why it wasn't initially planned
>>> for inclusion in Wayland:
>>> "Additionally, reasons against keeping it:
>>>     the middle click is a hard-to-discover easter egg
>>>     there are few middle mouse buttons in the world"
>>> Ian was, I think with reason, questioning the second of those. I was
>>> pointing out that those are only a couple of *supplementary* reasons,
>>> so it's not really worth spending much time disputing that assertion,
>>> even though it does seem like an odd one. The primary reasons why
>>> Wayland wasn't initially going to implement a PRIMARY selection
>>> mechanism are given earlier in the page:

<snip various stuff>
> Throw these in to support any breakage you would like to introduce and
> suddenly you're a breath of fresh air blowing all the old cruft away
> and anyone who disagrees is stuck in the dark ages. Except in this
> case they're trivially demonstrated as untrue (well documented, unlike
> documenting all new features in blog posts and leaving them to rot,
> hardware support widespread). So this feature is being re-introduced
> because "many longterm X users have become reliant on this easter egg"
> (still an easter egg) and it is, "to ease the transition for long-term

> How can you say it is an "easter-egg"? It is clearly documented in the X
> Window system
> documentation.

Before anyone else gets confused about what I've written (seeing it's
happened once already), I'm not claiming it's an Easter egg, I'm
quoting the assertion on the wayland page linked above, and pointing
out the questionable use of language in it. I suppose that might have
been clearer if I had included quotes around the second occurence of
"Easter egg" in my mail, but I hope my objection to the use of the
term is clear enough from my post and my earlier emails in this

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