On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 04:37:40PM +0100, Šimon Lukašík wrote:
> Thing is just we have slightly different approach. Let me explain.

Using OpenSCAP sounds great. Mostly, I wanted to focus on results and
what the user sees rather than implementation details.

The advantages you describe sound exciting, which falls under the
offering-carrots aspect: new functionality that we can give people that
they'll be actively want to switch to. However, I think we also need to
do the "we replaced your favorite coffee brand... and you don't even
know it" part wherever possible. *

So, I really _do_ want the existing command to work, but maybe it's
OpenSCAP underneath.

> The problem we are currently facing in Fedora is that you need to
> have a data that you feed to the scanner. Hence, this CVE analysis
> can be done only for RHEL, SuSE and Debian systems. So, we are done,
> once we are able to develop plug-in to bodhi to generate the data
> feed for us.

What is needed for that to happen?

> Do you think this approach is sensible for the ponycorn? :)

Yes, with the above notes.

Man, I missed a really good opportunity to call this message an "RFP".

* I need to unify this metaphor... it's carrots and coffee rather than
carrots and sticks, since we have no sticks. But on the other hand, I
don't think horses like coffee.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
devel mailing list

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