
my name is Ralf Senderek, I'm a secure solutions designer. Linux is
my operating system since 1994. Over time I have developed and 
released security related analysis and open source software on my 
personal web site. 

Recently, since Jan 2015, I am working on a secure message system called 
Crypto Bone which combines usability and security. I tried to make this system
as usable as possible with an new approach to encryption key management,
because I realized, that complex key management is the main reason for
ordinary users not to use encryption. And I want to change that.

On the other hand, I need to secure the encryption keys in a way that enables
the ordinary user to take control himself. The result - the cryptobone - is now
finished and I thought I should package this software for the Fedora 

So I requested a review of the new cryptobone package: 

And, of course, I'm seeking a sponsor for this package, because I'm a 
new contributor.

During the development of the cryptobone software, I decided to reduce the
cryptographic core to a bare minimum and to use Peter Gutmann's cryptlib
as the only dependency for my own crypto code. I hope that including
cryptlib in my own package will enrich the Fedora code base. And I hope
to be able to make secure messaging a reality for many users who need it.

Thank you for your interest and feedback.


PGP key: https://senderek.ie/keys/encryptionkey.asc (2546174A)
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