On 02/19/2016 02:40 PM, Tomasz Torcz wrote:
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 02:05:18PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
Igor Gnatenko <i.gnatenko.br...@gmail.com> writes:
Why do you want to build such packages for EOLed distro?
Because he's a nicy guy and it's an important patch?
   It's counter productive.  It's even dangerous, by introducing
false sense of safety (apart from glibc, there are lots of
other packages with security vulnerabilities in F21).
I don't think anyone sees it as precedent; it's more of a public health emergency measure. People who run F21 either don't care (in which case this is moot), or had a specific reason to run it in spite of lack of support.

Did you argue against providing Heartbleed patches for ancient systems?
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