On 08/25/2016 09:02 AM, Kristoffer Grönlund wrote:
> Klaus Wenninger <kwenn...@redhat.com> writes:
>> On 08/25/2016 03:13 PM, Andrew Price wrote:
>>> On 25/08/16 13:58, Klaus Wenninger wrote:
>>>> On 08/25/2016 12:49 PM, Andrew Price wrote:
>>>>> On 24/08/16 18:50, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>>>>>> Suggestions/revisions/alternatives are welcome.
>>>>> Here's a possible alternative theme. It's similarly greyscale and I'm
>>>>> not hugely happy with the font (I don't seem to have many good ones
>>>>> installed) but I'm happy enough with it to throw it on the pile :)
> Alright, if we're throwing logo design ideas on a pile, here's mine!
> The idea being basically a beaker with servers in it, hence.. Clusterlabs.

Bwahaha ... I love it.

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