On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 03:43:22PM -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> See the xml/Readme.md file -- I won't say all our documentation is
> helpful, but that one is pretty good. ;-) Basically, you create a
> resources-2.10.rng and leave everything else alone, and the makefile
> will take it from there.
> However, there's a catch. Pacemaker's internal XML revision number
> implementation is a floating-point number, so 2.10 == 2.1. It's been on
> the to-do list to fix that for a while, and it's gained new urgency
> since we hit 2.9, but it hasn't happened yet. Definitely a high priority
> :-) For now, for testing purposes, just modify the 2.9 file.
> Regarding the patch, I'm thinking we should add a flags bitmask to
> container_variant_data_t, and container_unpack() could set a flag for
> the container type. That way, you don't have to do first_named_child()
> every time you need to check the type, and you can check the type in
> allocate_ip() so it doesn't break the docker code.

Thanks for the review, I'll try that out.  Can you give me a hint about:

   create_nvp(xml_obj, "mount_points", dbuffer);

I don't see mount_points being used anywhere, do I need it in the rkt
part of the code?


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