Hi there!

  I think I'm experiencing an issue related to

In my case, I have a C++ method returning a new QObject, which has automatic Javascript ownership. This is fine, because indeed I want to have my object managed by the QML engine.

Then I'm passing the object as a property to a subpage, and also storing it into a ListModel (by calling append()). If I navigate to the subpage where I passed my object as a property, I can see that it is working fine. If I then navigate to another page where I have a ListView operating on that ListModel where I added my object, that works fine as well.

The problem happens when I navigate back from the page with the ListView. It seems to me, that when that page gets destroyed my object gets destroyed as well, despite being still used in the ListModel (which is never getting destroyed).

I'm working around this by setting the ownership to C++ and never actually destroying the objects (since I have few of them anyways), but I suspect that this might be a bug in the garbage collection.


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